Restore Your Sense of Balance: a blueprint for women working under pressure

How many times have you said to yourself recently...  “I just need to make it through this week, and then things will be better!” 

I work with women who have an overflowing to-do list at work and at home. They are leaders, sales professionals, consultants, and the professionals and business owners who wear every hat in the company. 

If you have to be "on" with your staff or clients, I know it leaves you feeling tired but restless at the same time, and feeling guilty when taking a break.

You know self-care is important but it feels like just one more thing to do. You want to step away from the growing pressure of go-go-go, and the discomfort and exhaustion of back-to-back meetings without a bio break.

Your to-do list gets longer every day and there doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done at work and home. Your life has become a juggling act and you're worried about dropping the balls.

How it manifests as not having as much energy as you used to plus aching joints, tension headaches indigestion with bloating, weight gain, snoring, being anxious for no reason, and feeling nauseated or lethargic after eating. Your doctor may also have raised concerns about your blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar.

You are successful and driven to meet your objectives... and have been sacrificing your health along the way.

Now is the time to invest in you!

As an Executive Coach, I have worked with folks in a wide range of industries and seasons of life. Many of my clients felt stuck and developed symptoms due to stress - each has shared feedback with me that this program was exactly what they needed to more fully align their priorities and restore their health. 

Sign up today and restore your sense of self

Is this worth your investment of time??

Here's what other women in leadership have said about what's it like working with me:

“For anyone struggling to stay on top of all that life throws at you, juggling the different hats you wear throughout your daily life, I highly recommend investing your time in sessions with Brooke. Any time I've had the opportunity to spend time with her, I have come away a better person.” ~ Christine, Entrepreneur

"Another strength that I am very proud of is my ability to set boundaries and keep them.  Before working with Brooke I said yes to all the work being thrown my way, took the brunt of any issues that might come up and didn't speak up for myself when I should have.  I now set clear boundaries and let people know when they have crossed them, I speak up when I need to, and do so clearly and firmly." ~ 1:1 coaching client feedback

"Before I started working with Brooke, I wasn't quite where I wanted to be in life and knew I needed support to find my direction. I had done some of Brooke's self-reflection exercises, but felt I could take the work farther. During our coaching time, Brooke helped me to get better at looking for and relishing the moments of joy so I could enjoy where I was, while I built my capacity for change. Working with her helped to save the space in my life to focus on personal development - something that had a ripple effect for others in my life! Along the way I appreciated Brooke's practical tips, thoughtful questions and the way she reflected my own thinking back to me. Once it came time to make a significant decision, she was there reminding me of my initial reasons for making change and suggesting reflection questions that might help me choose my next step based upon my values. Brooke is a wonderful and supportive coach - with her by my side I was able to make significant shifts in my life and I'm very grateful to have had her support." ~ Rebecca, Analytics Manager and Mom of 2 little ones

"What really surprised me about myself was how much weight I had been carrying without help for so so long and without asking for help.  I had a huge problem asking for help before and now I can and do ask for help when I need it.  Looking back I am amazed that I survived so long with so much weight and so little help.  I think I might also tell someone who was sceptical about coaching this part" ~ 1:1 coaching client feedback

"When I started working with Brooke I was all over the place with my life goals and business. I was searching for clarity and help coming up with a plan. What I gained from Brooke's coaching was so much more than I expected. She provided me with guidance and knowledgeable insight along with a lot of encouragement. Brooke's reflective questions helped me to see the bigger picture and how different areas of my life connected. I came away with confidence and was excited to move forward in my business. As a result my business grew and I felt more joyful in my personal life. Thank you Brooke for always believing in me and helping me to believe in myself too!" ~ Meaghan, Gentle Parenting Coach and Mom of 3 active boys

"My biggest challenge was moving forward in life. I felt stuck like I was going in circles and not taking advantage of the gift of each day. I am grateful for the opportunity to have had Brooke as my coach. Her strong listening skills, perspective and caring persona contributed to my success at creating opportunities. Thank you Brooke!" ~ Donna, Retired Senior Leader

What matters to you is what matters first and foremost for me!

  • This program is designed to ensure you are developing a clear plan of action while defining what success means for you.
  • There is no homework, only thinking work that you can do at your own pace. Some participants journal daily, others set aside time once a week, and some prefer to reflect while walking rather than write. 
  • You'll get an email each week that includes links to the next unit so it's easy to find. You can expect a combination of online training including articles, videos, and self-reflection exercises. 
  • Research in neuroscience and adult learning has shown that spaced repetition and reflection on new information improves learning. The modules build on each other to foster the retention of information and support lasting change.
  • There are additional options for 1:1 coaching and group support for your journey

Are you ready to make the most out of this year?

I would be honoured to be part of your journey. Sign Up to get immediate access to a welcome package and the first unit. I'll be in touch by email to welcome you.

Sign up today and restore your sense of self

Frequently Asked Questions

How much time do I need to invest per week?

This program is at your pace. It's designed to have the most flexibility because the clients I work with are extremely busy. The time you invest in the self-reflection exercises is entirely up to you.

Is there a workbook?

This program is completely digital. You will receive a welcome email upon sign up with the login to access your membership dashboard where the units are accessible. There is a workbook for most units that you can view online or download. 

Will I get a lot of emails?

You will receive emails about once a week from me to support you along your journey, with links to easily access the units. The email you provide with sign up is the one where you'll receive the emails.

How long do I have access to the program?

You will have immediate access to Restore Your Sense of Self: a blueprint for women working under pressure. There is no expiry to your access (if that changes in the future, I will give you lots of notice). 

Do you offer refunds?

This program is completely digital, and you get immediate access to the materials. I do not offer refunds once a purchase is made.

If you are not willing to commit to start experiencing the change you know is needed, the timing may not be right for you. I'll be here when you're ready.

Is this the right investment for me?

Only you can answer that question! I encourage you to listen to an episode of my podcast to hear my voice and see if my message and style resonates with you. You can find Best for Women LIVE podcast here »

I want to gift this to a friend. How do I do that?

You are amazing! Thank you for your generosity!! 
I can create an invoice for you. Once I receive payment, the email of the recipient and the timing of your gift, we can get them signed up with a welcome email. 

Any other questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out: 


I asked my friend Barb to help me proofread the workbook. It brought me so much joy to read her words because her first impressions were exactly what I had in my mind while creating this for you!  I just had to share :) 

“I have not reviewed all of the modules yet and I am totally blown away! These are the words that came to mind when I was reviewing the modules: inspirational, uplifting, soul searching, valuing oneself, finding self worth, finding passion and letting your spirit soar.  I hope I have described the review, so far, as you have designed this course to be.  

I love the idea of journaling, as reading, writing, reflecting and reviewing the information is how I learn best.  From an Adult Learning Perspective, it is well suited in the presentation of the topic, and discourse and timing...breaks for herbal tea is welcomed when reviewing very moving & emotional topics.  I am looking forward to completing the last few modules to see how it ends.  I believe the topic is a very sought after component in today's world.  I even asked myself most of the questions to look at how to reflect on my lifestyle in a different out!”

10 Units

Welcome - let's get started!

Welcome! I have put together an overview of what to expect and tips to help you get the most out of our work together! 

Step 1: Reconnect with your fullest self

We all go through different phases in our life. We strive to establish our own sense of self identity. Whether it’s our age or changing with the seasons, our priorities change. 

I’ve put together a tool to help your unconscious priorities come to the surface. 

Step 2: Reflect on unmet expectations | Internal Tensions

The roles we play can be a source of tension in relationships - one that remains confusing to both parties because the source is unconscious.  In this unit, we’ll reflect on the many “hats you wear” or the roles you play in all facets of your life. 

Guided meditations to breathe and reset

I often hear my clients say "I can't stop and take a breath; it’s go go go with the business or with my family?" More often than not, we don’t stop. We just keep going. Let's take a quick break to breathe and reset.

Bonus replay: How To Make Decisions To Avoid Burnout & Increase Happiness

Bonus replay: Managing work-life balance

In this unit we’re going to start by exploring some of the reasons why we feel compelled to juggle work-life, and how our health can become sacrificed along the way.  Click through to get started!

Wrap up - what's next?

In this unit we will review your plan for what's next and I'll be asking for your feedback and input. Click through to get started!

Units for this program 10
Sign Up and get started today

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 Self-paced guided toolkit
 $47.00 CAD

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Brooke Gordon offers health and wellness information and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and you should not rely on this information as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Consult your doctor about making diet, exercise and lifestyle changes that are right for you.

The methods employed by Brooke Gordon do not guarantee results. The client agrees, therefore, to hold the coach free of any liability and responsibility for adverse reactions as a result of advice given in the coaching sessions. 

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